Gender Equity, Creativity & Well-Being in Iceland

- Explore the cultural context of gender equity and well-being using Iceland as a case study and through visits to educational institutions, government agencies, and historical sites;
- Learn about Icelandic and Scandinavian history, traditions, and culture.
According to global indices, Iceland ranks first in gender equality among all nations, and is also consistently among the top 10 nations in terms of happiness, creativity and innovation. We will be exploring the aspects of history, family, education, culture, and policy that have led to the current status of equity and well-being.
The program will include visits to historical sites, family gatherings, and cultural institutions as well as interviewing many Icelanders in an attempt to answer these questions. In addition, students will have the opportunity to swim in thermal hot pools, ride Icelandic horses, and eat at a traditional Icelandic fish house.
The class will be taught in a hybrid format for 45 hours total including orientation, online readings, discussion and preparation; one week in Iceland doing site visits and classes followed by online discussion. Students are required to participate fully in course activities.
Undergraduate students will earn 3 credits in EPSY 598 Special Course: Gender Equity, Creativity & Well-Being in Iceland.
All graduate students will earn 3 credits in ESPY 896 Seminar In: Gender Equity, Creativity & Well-Being in Iceland.
Credit is granted by the University of Kansas upon successful completion of the course and overseas program and will be posted to the student's summer academic record at KU.
Students will stay in double-occupancy rooms at a student hostel or hotel in central Reykjavik.
SAGE is dedicated to creating international engagement opportunities that meet the needs of all our students and providing resources to support you through the process of studying abroad. Study abroad is achievable for students of all identities including our BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ students, students with disabilities, and students with religious/non-religious viewpoints. Before selecting a program, consider how your identities may impact your experience abroad in unique ways and talk with your Program Coordinator about any program-specific concerns. Students with documented disabilities should discuss any accommodation needs with their Program Coordinator early in the planning process.
Check our Identity Abroad page and resources listed below for information specific to you and other students who may be on your program.
This program is designed for graduate and upper level undergraduate students of counseling psychology, educational psychology, gifted education, cognitive psychology, anthropology, sociology, WGSS or others who have a strong interest in gender equity. Students can expect to gain new perspectives on their discipline as well as an understanding of the classic and new works in the psychology of gender equity and well-being.
Dr. Barbara Kerr
Williamson Family Distinguished Professor of Counseling Psychology
Joseph R. Pearson Hall, Room 130 Q
1122 West Campus Rd.
Lawrence, Kansas 66045-3101