Maastricht University

Study at Europe’s pioneer university in Problem-Based Learning, with the most international student body in the Netherlands.
Maastricht is a city of 125,000. Ever since the Romains established the settlement Maastricht, over 2000 years ago, the town has been a melting pot of Germanic and Latin cultures. It is located in the heart of the Euregion, home to four million people, living in three countries, and speaking three languages. With its mixture of 17th century mansions and ultramodern architecture, cobblestone streets, impressive churches and wonderful squares, it is no surprise that Maastricht is one of the most visited cities in the Netherlands.
More than 10% of Maastricht's population are students, and nearly half of these are from outside of the Netherlands, helping to make Maastricht a very international student city.
Each semester is split into halves. Students will generally take two or three courses in each half of the semester. Students are required to take one Maastricht CES "core" course during the semester. For students in the Business & Economics in Europe program, these CES core courses would include Leadership and Management in a Global World; Economics of European Integration; Marketing, It's All About Creating Value; and Applied Financial Theory. In addition to choosing one CES core course, students are required to take at least half of their total course credits within their designated Maastricht program (for Business & Economics in Europe students, this would include courses in Accounting, Business, Finance, Information Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Management and Economics). Beyond that, students are free to choose from a wide variety of elective courses in other academic areas to finish assembling their semester schedule. Courses available to Business & Economics in Europe students can be found Business & Economics in Europe Courses & Curriculum 2022 - 2023.
Maastricht's Summer Program in European Studies (SES) offers students the chance to take two courses, lasting three weeks each, for a six week summer experience. Students choose one course from Block 1 (June 25-July 11, 2025) and one course from Block 2 (July 14-July 31, 2025). A list of available courses for the 2025 SES is available at Summer Programme in European Studies Courses & Curriculum 2024 - 2025. Each course is worth 6.0 ECTS credits, the equivalent of three Kansas credits.
Courses offered during Block 1: June 25 to July 11, 2025
ART2003 Dutch Art History [KU’s HA 331]
BUS 3005 Entrepreneurship: it's all about creating value [previously approved as KU’s ENTR 301, Goal 6]
BUS 3014 Business Strategy in the European Luxury Industry [previously approved as KU’s MKTG 400]
DMX2001 Digital Mental Health
HIS2002 Great Power Dynamics [KU's HIST 389]
ICC2001 Intercultural Communication [KU’s COMS 246]
PHI2003 Intercultural Philosophy & Communication
PNE2003 Psychology in Our World [KU’s PSYC 360]
POL3004 Law and Politics, Current Topics in the European Union [KU’s POLS 643]
Courses offered during Block 2: July 14 to July 31, 2025
BUS2001 Leadership and Management in a Global World [previously approved as KU’s MGMT 470]
BUS3002 Economics of European Integration - Challenges, policies & practices in the European business environment
DMX2001 Digital Mental Health
EVO2001 Evolutionary Psychology
MST2001 Global Journalism: Searching for Truth in the Age of Fake News [KU’s JMC 409]
PNE2004 Psychology in Our World [KU’s PSYC 360]
POL2005 European Welfare State: Current Challenges and Perspectives [KU's POLS 350]
POS2002 Positive Psychology [KU’s PSYC 598]
SUS2001 Sustainable Development
Kansas students will stay in single or double rooms at the International Student Guesthouse of Maastricht University. Rooms in the P-building have a private kitchen and rooms in the C-building have communal cooking facilities; in both buildings the bathroom facilities are shared.
SAGE is dedicated to creating international engagement opportunities that meet the needs of all our students and providing resources to support you through the process of studying abroad. Study abroad is achievable for students of all identities including our BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ students, students with disabilities, and students with religious/non-religious viewpoints. Before selecting a program, consider how your identities may impact your experience abroad in unique ways and talk with your Program Coordinator about any program-specific concerns. Students with documented disabilities should discuss any accommodation needs with their Program Coordinator early in the planning process.
Check our Identity Abroad page and resources listed below for information specific to you and other students who may be on your program.
Students should have a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Many of the available courses are best suited to Juniors and Seniors, but highly-motivated Sophomores are also encouraged to apply. For the summer program, one year of college-level coursework with suitable prerequisites for the relevant Maastricht courses is sufficient (3.0 GPA still applies).