Marketing and Sales in Europe

Marketing and Sales in Europe
Course requirements include several pre-program meetings, most scheduled on campus during the spring semester, and a paper after the travel concludes. The meetings will allow students to learn about global marketing and sales practices, workforce challenges, and emerging technologies unique to global sales efforts. They will also visit with area business leaders and companies who have operations in Europe to understand their marketing and sales strategies. Additionally, these meetings provide an opportunity for students to meet others who will be participating in the program.
While in London and Dublin, the group will visit with businesses of varying size and industries to discuss their marketing and sales strategy and execution as well as critical leadership challenges when managing an international business. The final paper will offer students the opportunity to reflect on the entire study abroad experience.
SAGE is dedicated to creating international engagement opportunities that meet the needs of all our students and providing resources to support you through the process of studying abroad. Study abroad is achievable for students of all identities including our BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ students, students with disabilities, and students with religious/non-religious viewpoints. Before selecting a program, consider how your identities may impact your experience abroad in unique ways and talk with your Program Coordinator about any program-specific concerns. Students with documented disabilities should discuss any accommodation needs with their Program Coordinator early in the planning process.
Check our Identity Abroad page and resources listed below for information specific to you and other students who may be on your program.
Open to any KU students. Minimum 2.5 GPA required (exceptions considered after submission of a petition).
Faculty Director
Duane Myer, Ph.D. will lead the inaugural program in May of 2024. Duane teaches a variety of Marketing courses at the University of Kansas including the principles of Marketing course at the undergraduate level and in the Online MBA, as well as Sales Force Management, and New Product Management. He has also worked in various parts of marketing, sales, and finance in his career.
Business School Scholarship
Scholarships may be available for study abroad programs. Consult the Center for Global Business Studies website for more information on study abroad scholarships for business students.