Student Initiated Programs in New Zealand

Student-Initiated Programs
Student-Initiated Programs (SIPs) allow KU students to earn resident KU credit for study abroad programs sponsored by other accredited U.S. universities and colleges. The SIP category also applies to degree-seeking KU students who opt to enroll directly in foreign institutions accredited by the Ministry of Education of the host country for a summer, semester, or academic year.
Students participating in a SIP remain enrolled at KU during the study abroad program and receive KU resident credit and grades for the coursework that they complete abroad. Continuous KU enrollment allows for access to state and federal financial aid as well as deferment of loan repayments. In addition, students on a SIP receive academic, cultural and safety information at the mandatory Study Abroad orientation and have contact (including 24-hour emergency assistance) with Study Abroad & Global Engagement while abroad. Students also receive emergency medical evacuation and repatriation coverage for the study period.
Program Selection
Students must schedule an appointment to meet with a Study Abroad & Global Engagement program coordinator before beginning the KU application process. The program coordinator will help the student determine if the non-KU program meets University of Kansas* and SIP guidelines. The program coordinator will also explain the application process in greater detail and provide the student with SIP application directions.
*Note: Out of concern for student safety and well-being, KU does not sponsor study abroad in locations where a U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory Level 3 or Level 4 has been issued. The classification level applied to each country can be accessed via the U.S. Department of State Website. Information on Level 3 or Level 4 regional designations within a country is available by reading the country-specific advisory. Exceptions to this policy will be considered by petition to the International Travel Review Committee (ITRC). For information on travel to high risk locations see KU International Travel Policies.
Below are a few of many SIP program providers that offer programs in New Zealand. Students may find other program providers on this list offering programs that better fit their needs. Study Abroad & Global Engagement does not endorse any particular program provider.
New Zealand
Summer Program Options in New Zealand
Semester/Year Program Options in New Zealand
- Arcadia in New Zealand
- IES Abroad in New Zealand
- Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA) Butler in New Zealand
- The Education Abroad Network (TEAN) in New Zealand
- AIFS at the Victoria University of Wellington
- University of Auckland
It is the student's responsibility to monitor deadlines and application procedures for the non-KU program. In addition, students must complete the Study Abroad & Global Engagement SIP application and scholarship application (if applicable) by the deadlines listed below, regardless of the non-KU program deadlines.
Deadline for Winter Break, Spring Break, and Spring Semester programs: October 1
Deadline for Fall, Academic Year, or Summer programs: March 1
As with many other study abroad options, students must meet with departmental faculty advisors and their academic advisor in their major during the application process in order to complete an Academic Plan. Through this process they will be able to determine what equivalent KU credit they will receive for their study abroad courses.
Upon acceptance to the non-KU program, students must submit a copy of the letter of acceptance from the host institution to Study Abroad & Global Engagement.
All students who participate in SIPs are required to take part in the KU Study Abroad & Global Engagement pre-departure orientation even if there is an on-site orientation arranged by the non-KU program. The Study Abroad & Global Engagement orientation provides important academic, cultural, and safety information to all study abroad participants.
Students are required to maintain full-time student status (12 hours/semester) while abroad and post all courses to their KU transcript. All courses must be approved prior to departure, while abroad, or upon return by the relevant academic department. They will be posted to the KU transcript as they appear on the student’s Academic Plan & Approval Form or Credit Worksheet with the accompanying grades earned. Grades will be calculated into the student's KU GPA.
A signed and sealed official transcript (or equivalent document) must be provided to Study Abroad & Global Engagement. The transcript may be forwarded directly to the Study Abroad & Global Engagement Program Coordinator or the student can hand-deliver a sealed copy. Participants in Student-Initiated Programs (SIPs) will want to check with their provider or host institution to find out if their transcript will be sent automatically or if they must obtain one directly.
Failing to complete the grade posting process will prevent graduation from KU and may have other implications such as immediate forfeiture of all financial aid, including return of scholarships and repayment of loans.
The Study Abroad & Global Engagement SIP fee includes the Study Abroad & Global Engagement administrative fee, KU enrollment, Study Abroad & Global Engagement pre-departure orientation, 24-hour emergency contact services, and emergency medical evacuation and repatriation services.
Currently, the KU tuition and program fee for participation in a Student-Initiated Program is as follows:
Summer/Short-Term: $580
Semester: $1,050
Academic Year: $1,330
The SIP fee is in addition to any tuition, fees or other expenses related to the non-KU program. The SIP fee will be billed on your KU account once you commit to the program.
All other program related expenses (non-KU program provider fees and/or host institution tuition, room and board etc.) are the responsibility of the student and will not be billed on your KU account. Students must make arrangements to pay these fees directly.
SAGE is dedicated to creating international engagement opportunities that meet the needs of all our students and providing resources to support you through the process of studying abroad. Study abroad is achievable for students of all identities including our BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ students, students with disabilities, and students with religious/non-religious viewpoints. Before selecting a program, consider how your identities may impact your experience abroad in unique ways and talk with your Program Coordinator about any program-specific concerns. Students with documented disabilities should discuss any accommodation needs with their Program Coordinator early in the planning process.
Check our Identity Abroad page and resources listed below for information specific to you and other students who may be on your program.
Undergraduate or graduate students may participate in a SIP as long as they meet the minimum 2.50 GPA requirement and are in good academic standing at KU. As with other programs, students must complete at least one academic term at KU prior to participating in study abroad. In all cases, the student must meet the sponsoring institution's eligibility requirements and must be accepted to the program by the sponsoring institution.
Students searching for a study abroad program are encouraged to meet with a Peer Advisor in the Study Abroad Info Center, located in 105 Lippincott. No appointment is necessary. Students who decide to do a SIP are responsible for researching their options, finding an appropriate program, and meeting with a program coordinator to discuss the program.
The following websites are useful tools for researching non-KU programs:
Brochures for a number of non-KU programs are available in the Study Abroad Info Center.