Promoting Study Abroad in Your Unit

Faculty, advisors, and KU other staff members can be highly influential as a student considers studying abroad as part of their overall curriculum path toward graduation. Faculty and staff play a vital role in encouraging students to study abroad and in helping them to prepare for the experience. Many students have never thought about study abroad or do not realize that they can fit an international program into their degree plans. Departmental advisors play a key role in promoting the idea of study abroad to KU students, as you often have regular contact with students in your disciplines and can encourage students to begin study abroad planning early in their KU careers.
Study Abroad & Global Engagement (SAGE) offers 165+ international education opportunities in more than 70 countries, with programs for every major. Below is an overview of the promotional opportunities we typically offer at SAGE each term. Our team is available to connect on any departmental needs you have. If you have inquiries about additional promotional and outreach study abroad opportunities, please contact us at
Promotional Opportunities
Study Abroad & Global Engagement Staff regularly prepare short class visits for large lectures at the beginning of each semester, but we also attend any class, regardless of size, at the request of an instructor interested in presenting study abroad information to their students.
Class visit presentations generally last between 5 and 10 minutes and are frequently scheduled at the beginning or end of the class period to minimize the any interruption to class. The presentation can either be an overview of the vast variety of program options or it can be focused on a specific program. The presentation can also be expanded to cover these topics in more detail during a full class period, if requested. The presentations at class visits are usually given by our Peer Advisors, the Communications Coordinator, or the Program Coordinator responsible for the program or region.
If you would like to schedule a class visit, please contact our office at
Study Abroad & Global Engagement has two study abroad fairs each year. Generally these fairs are held during the second week of September and April. Our Fall fair focuses on semester study abroad options and also promotes our winter break and spring break programs. Our Spring fair is focused on the summer study abroad options available to students.
Faculty members who are leading study abroad programs are encouraged to attend the fairs to meet and talk to students who are interested in their program. The Fair is run by the Study Abroad & Global Engagement staff, with help from faculty and alumni of the study abroad programs.
Study Abroad & Global Engagement produces promotional materials for KU study abroad programs and also creates fliers for events, such as the Study Abroad Fair and information meetings. The print brochures are available in our office as well as the brochure rack on the 4th floor of Wescoe. If you would like to request brochures, please contact our office either by phone 785-864-3742 or email,
When you contact us with your brochure request, please make sure to include your name, the program brochure needed, the number of brochures needed, the date needed, and if you would like to pick them up or have them sent to your office. If you need more than 50 brochures at one time, please allow us at least 24 hours to complete the request.
Faculty Directors and/or departments sometimes choose to have on campus informational meetings about their programs or programs of specific interest to their majors. This is a great way to promote your individual program or to reach students within your department in a smaller setting. Study Abroad & Global Engagement will be able to contact students who have expressed interest in the programs that will be discussed at the meeting and can follow up with the students directly if they have additional questions.
Study Abroad & Global Engagement staff may also be available to staff information tables in high-traffic areas to support general study abroad promotion. In addition, Study Abroad & Global Engagement will be happy to advertise your information meeting via social media outlets and through brochure/calendar items across KU.