Universidade Estadual de Campinas

- Directly enroll at UNICAMP and take courses in Portuguese
- Optional Portuguese for Foreigners course offered during the semester
- Graduate and undergraduate courses available at this prestigious university
The University of Kansas program in Campinas, Brazil, offers students the opportunity to enroll in courses at the Universidade de Campinas (UNICAMP), one of Latin America’s outstanding higher education institutions. Students will take graduate or undergraduate courses in their areas of specialization with Brazilian students. Knowledge of Portuguese is required.
The UNICAMP campus is located approximately 10 miles from downtown Campinas in a district named Barão Geraldo. UNICAMP is a public university established in 1966 with a goal to become an academic center of excellence and serve as a catalyst for economic and social development. UNICAMP focuses on high-quality teaching in synergy with top-end research and service to society and is one of the best universities in Brazil and Latin America.
The city of Campinas, in the state of São Paulo, was founded in 1774 and today is an important and growing educational, industrial, and financial center with over one million residents. Campinas is home to a symphony orchestra, which is considered one of Brazil’s best, as well as two soccer teams. Campinas is located 60 miles northwest of the city of São Paulo, one of the world’s largest cities and important cultural center. Beaches in the state of São Paulo are approximately two hours away and there are many country resorts and parks located near the city.
Brazil is known for its natural beauty, music, talent for sports, and now for its growing economy. It is the largest country in South America and the fifth in the world and is the American nation that is compared the most to the U.S. due to its colonial past and racial makeup. Study of the Portuguese language has grown worldwide recently, as opportunities for business in and with Brazil have increased significantly.
UNICAMP offers more than 60 undergraduate degrees, including arts, biological sciences and health professions, architecture, engineering, natural sciences, and social sciences. There are around 28,000 students (undergraduate and graduate) and nearly 1,000 of them are international students.
Students will take all of their courses in Portuguese because there are only a handful of graduate courses offered in English. The graduate courses in English are in the math, human sciences and philosophy, engineering, and economics departments. UNICAMP offers a Portuguese for foreigners course during the semester, which is free but has limited availability. Students will meet with the Center of Language Studies (CEL) upon arrival and prior to the beginning of the semester.
Four-year plans and courses in each department are available in the UNICAMP course catalog. Please keep in mind that Brazil is on the southern hemisphere academic calendar, which is opposite of our academic calendar. That means their first semester of the academic year is February-July and the second semester is August-December.
Additionally, students may also be able to conduct research under the supervision of an English-speaking UNICAMP professor.
The university does not provide housing for students, but the UNICAMP Foreign Student Guide has a section about finding housing in the Pre-Arrival Information and Pro Tips.
The main campus has three cafeterias where students can purchase food by showing their student ID. UNICAMP Daily menus are available online. Additionally, most schools on campus also have a snack bar or restaurant and there are also neighborhood restaurants.
The International Office at UNICAMP is an important resource for international students. Their website has the academic calendar, information on the Portuguese for foreigners course, additional information about housing, enrollment, and much more.
UNICAMP runs free shuttle buses within the campus and there are also bike lanes throughout the campus. The physical education school offers students UNICAMP sporting activities for a nominal fee. Additionally, students can use UNICAMP’s sports facilities and there is also a lake next to campus where students go to exercise.
The Casa do Lago offers a wide variety of cultural activities including movies, musical performances, art exhibitions, etc.
SAGE is dedicated to creating international engagement opportunities that meet the needs of all our students and providing resources to support you through the process of studying abroad. Study abroad is achievable for students of all identities including our BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ students, students with disabilities, and students with religious/non-religious viewpoints. Before selecting a program, consider how your identities may impact your experience abroad in unique ways and talk with your Program Coordinator about any program-specific concerns. Students with documented disabilities should discuss any accommodation needs with their Program Coordinator early in the planning process.
Additional Resources
Check our Identity Abroad page and resources listed below for information specific to you and other students who may be on your program.
Students should have a minimum 2.75 GPA, and four semesters of Portuguese and have taken coursework related to intended studies. Exceptions considered after submission of a petition.
Professor Chris Brown has lived in Campinas and has done research with faculty at UNICAMP. If you have questions about the university or living in Campinas, please feel free to contact him at jcbrown2@ku.edu.
Professor Luciano Tosta is originally from Brazil and he oversees the Portuguese program at KU. You can contact him at lucianotosta@ku.edu.