Audiology and Speech-Language Services in Bulgaria

Audiology and Speech-Language Services in Bulgaria
- Visit various clinical settings and offer hands-on services to both children and adults
- Learn more about Bulgarian culture and history by visiting sites of interest in and around Sofia and Sennik.
- Explore Greece at the end of the program by visiting Athens as well as the island of Santorini
- View the program page of a similar program for SPLH and Music Therapy students, offered in even years.
Speech-Language-Hearing majors and students from other disciplines with an interest in working with people with different types of disabilities, will learn about speech and music therapy that is currently offered in Bulgaria and will offer formal and informal assessments of hearing and speech/language. Students will visit different settings such as a pediatric center and geriatric facility.
Bulgaria is located in the eastern portion of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe. It is one of the oldest states in Europe, founded in the 7th century. Bulgaria is part of the European Union and is a unique blend of Eastern and Western cultures, which can be seen through its cuisine, architecture, and religious heritage.
Students will fly into the capital city of Sofia and the group will have a few days of activities there before traveling to the village of Sennik, at the foothills of the Balkan Mountains in northern central Bulgaria. At the end of the program, the group will travel to Greece, where it is planned that the group will spend time in both Athens and on the island of Santorini.
Three hours of academic credit are granted by the University of Kansas upon successful completion of the program. Students will enroll in 3 credit hours of SPLH 352/752 Examining Global Perspectives in Speech-Language-Hearing. It is anticipated that the program will service children on the autism spectrum; therefore, SPLH 352 will count towards the Undergraduate Certificate in Learning and Communication in Children with Autism.
Prior to the program, the group will meet two to four times with the faculty directors to receive an overview and orientation to the work that will be done in Bulgaria, learn and practice how to conduct hearing screenings from a certified and licensed audiologist, and build awareness and knowledge of the cultures of Bulgaria. Graduate students may be required to facilitate discussions or prepare presentations for these meetings.
KU is partnering with Therapy Abroad, a program provider that works with local and international community partners to help achieve goals set forth for Bulgaria’s most vulnerable citizens. It's planned that students will work in collaboration with local community partners to bring services to children and adults in the towns of Gabrovo and Sennik. With an international focus on cooperative learning and capacity building for both visiting and hosting professionals, the team will take students through a cross-disciplinary, cross-sectoral and cross-cultural program. Students will learn about diverse approaches to teaching and implement methodologies for designing and evaluation learning experiences used in the education of patients/clients, students, colleagues, and the broader community.
Students will be housed in hotels or guest houses in double or triple occupancy in Bulgaria and Greece. All meals while on-site are included.
Students participating in this program will develop critical hands-on skills by working with Bulgarian clients and will also learn about Bulgaria’s history, cultures, and natural environment through the cultural activities and excursions. In addition to the KU and Therapy Abroad staff, there will be interpreters and a guide with the group for the duration of the program.
While in Sofia, the group will meet with representatives from the Bulgarian Association of Music Therapy (BMAT) to learn about the history and current state of music therapy in Bulgaria and the challenges and opportunities facing music therapy in Bulgaria. Students will also meet with the Alzheimer Bulgaria Association to learn more about the music therapy programs they are implementing with the aim of improving the quality of life for people with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Additionally, there will be a city tour, and the group will attend a performance of Bulgarian traditional music.
The group will then travel to Sennik, in the municipality of Sevlievo. While there, students will participate in several days of clinical activities in a variety of settings. It's planned that the group will visit a children's center in Gabrovo over a couple of days to lead speech-language and music therapy sessions. The group will also spend a couple of days at a geriatric center and work with residents who have different disabilities, supported by the occupational and physical therapists from the facility. At the end of the clinical time in Bulgaria, there will be an interactive kids camp and BBQ event filled with traditional music and dances. Games will be provided along with the opportunity to work with the guests in interactive ways to help assess speech needs throughout the local community. At the end of each clinical day, students will write notes to document the client's response to treatment during the session. Additionally, each evening there will be reflection and discussion about the day's events.
There are several planned cultural activities while the group is in central Bulgaria including visits to Veliko Tarnovo, Devetashka cave, and Krushuna Falls. Veliko Tarnovo is one of the oldest settlements in Bulgaria and is considered the cultural capital and historical center of Bulgaria. Devetashka cave was rediscovered in 1921, and excavations started in the 1950s show signs of human presence dating back tens of thousands of years. Nearby Krushuna Falls is a series of picturesque waterfalls.
After work with Bulgarian clients is finished, the group will fly to Athens, Greece and the next day will take a ferry to Santorini, a Greek island known for its whitewashed houses. While on Santorini for two nights, the group will participate in activities such as exploring the ancient town of Akrotiri, including its 18th century monastery, and the coastal town of Oia. Back on the mainland, the group is scheduled to visit the Acropolis, Parthenon, and the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Students will return to the U.S. from Athens, Greece.
SAGE is dedicated to creating international engagement opportunities that meet the needs of all our students and providing resources to support you through the process of studying abroad. Study abroad is achievable for students of all identities including our BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ students, students with disabilities, and students with religious/non-religious viewpoints. Before selecting a program, consider how your identities may impact your experience abroad in unique ways and talk with your Program Coordinator about any program-specific concerns. Students with documented disabilities should discuss any accommodation needs with their Program Coordinator early in the planning process.
Additional Resources
Check our Identity Abroad page and resources listed below for information specific to you and other students who may be on your program.
The program is open to undergraduate and graduate students from any accredited U.S. college or university. Minimum 2.5 GPA. Exceptions considered after submission of a petition.
The following professors are planning on leading the Summer 2025 program:
- Professor Krysta Green (, Clinical Associate Professor & Audiologist, Department of Speech-Language Hearing: Sciences & Disorders
- Professor Julie Gatts (, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Speech-Language Hearing: Sciences & Disorders
- Professor Bill Matney (, Associate Professor of Music Therapy
All of the professors have led this program previously.
KU Study Abroad Program Coordinator
The program coordinator in Study Abroad & Global Engagement for SPLH programs is Mari Keyser. Please schedule an appointment with her to learn more about the program or email her with any questions.
Passport and Entry Requirements
All U.S. citizens must have a passport to enter Bulgaria and Greece; no tourist visa is required. Your passport should be valid for six months beyond the return date. For students who need to apply for an adult passport, please view the processing times and request one soon. KU Study Abroad & Global Engagement has a Passport Center where students can apply for a U.S. passport.
Non-U.S. citizens are responsible for understanding their entry requirements. Read more about visas and entry requirements on the websites of the Embassy of Bulgaria and Embassy of Greece. Please carefully read the information on the website and be in touch with the program coordinator.