Exercise Science
General Planning Tips For Exercise Science
- Start planning for your study abroad experience early. You can take admission requirements, general education, Exercise Science HSES courses, or HSES electives abroad and still stay on track for graduation.
- Study abroad is a great way to satisfy your KU Core requirements. Therefore, it is a good idea to reserve some of your KU Core classes to take abroad.
- Scholarships are available for study abroad both through Study Abroad & Global Engagement and national organizations. Research your opportunities early.
- U.S. Specific Courses: HSES 473 must be taken at KU. If you choose to complete the 15 credit-hour HSES 580 internship course, it must be completed at an approved site within a 50-mile radius of Lawrence. You may petition to complete this course abroad if your GPA is higher than 3.0.
When To Go
Freshman and Sophomore
- Schedule a meeting with an exercise science advisor during your first semester at KU to discuss your four year plan and identify specific courses as well as specific timing opportunities for your study abroad experience.
- After you've met with your academic advisor, continue your program research by visiting the Study Abroad Info Center in Lippincott Hall. Study abroad peer advisors can help you to identify suitable study abroad options based upon the information you received from your advisor.
- Studying abroad usually requires two letters of recommendation, so it's good to start identifying individuals who can speak to your academic qualifications as well as your ability to be successful during an international experience.
- There are both summer and full semester study abroad programs that offer general education and KU Core courses. The best time to pursue these programs is the spring semester of your freshman year, fall semester of your sophomore year, or the summer after your freshman or sophomore year.
Junior and Senior
- The ideal times for Exercise Science students to study abroad are either semester of their junior or senior year. Students planning to participate in the 15 credit-hour HSES 580 internship instead of the Elective Path during spring semester of their senior year, will need to stay within a 50 mile radius of Lawrence. Application deadlines for study abroad are typically on October 1st for spring programs and March 1st for fall programs.
- There is some degree of flexibility with your course sequencing during your junior and senior year, especially if you have chosen the Elective Path. You might need to take a class or two online during the summer before you go abroad or the summer after you return to KU (Edwards Campus students should plan to take HSES 310 in the summer before or after their junior year). If you need an HSES class that is not available through your study abroad program and only offered at KU during the semester you are abroad, the Exercise Science Department is usually willing to work with you in arranging access to the course via Skype, Lecture Capture, or some other technology.
- Some junior and senior level exercise science courses that are commonly offered abroad include: HSES 305, HSES 306, HSES 330, HSES 331, HSES 369, HSES 375, HSES 380, HSES 385, HSES 440, HSES 470, HSES 472, and HSES 474.
Courses and Credit
- Exercise science faculty have already pre-approved a number of exercise science courses abroad. To see available pre-approved courses, visit the Course Equivalency Database.
- If you want to take a class/classes that have not been pre-approved, complete the credit approval process.
Recommended Programs For Exercise Science
Programs Offering Exercise Science Courses
CEA Exercise & Sport Science - Spain
Recommended Timing: Summer after junior year
Sample Courses: Sports Nutrition and Mediterranean Diet, Sport Psychology
Recommended Timing: Either semester - junior year
Sample Courses: HSES 330, HSES 370, HSES 375, HSES 380, HSES 385, HSES 440, HSES 470, HSES 472, HSES 474
Massey University - New Zealand
Recommended Timing: Either semester - junior year or senior year
Sample Courses: HSES 305, HSES 306, HSES 310, HSES 330, HSES 331, HSES 369, HSES 375, HSES 380, HSES 385, HSES 440, HSES 470, HSES 472, HSES 474
University of Exeter - England
Recommended Timing: Either semester - junior or senior year or summer term.
Sample Courses: HSES 305, HSES 310, HSES 300, HSES 330, HSES 369, HSES 440, HSES 470, HSES 472, HSES 598
Recommended Timing: Spring semester - junior or senior year or summer term.
Sample Courses: HSES 300, HSES 330, HSES 375, HSES 385, HSES 470, HSES 472, HSES 474, HSES 598
University of Newcastle - Australia
Recommended Timing: Spring semester - junior or senior year; EDWARDS STUDENTS ONLY - NOT AN OPTION FOR LAWRENCE STUDENTS
Sample Courses: HSES 330, HSES 375, HSES 385, HSES 418, HSES 440, HSES 470, HSES 472, HSES 474
Programs Offering Experience
Earn HSES 335 credit while gaining valuable work experience overseas. Internship duties vary based on location and student interest. Recommended for summer after junior year.